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한국 마이크로소프트 국내변호사 모집
한국 마이크로소프트에서 아래와 같이 채용공고를 보내주셨습니다. 관심있으신 회원님께서는 참고하시기 바랍니다. 영문 이력서는 10월 29일 금요일까지 아래 담당자에게 보내시면 됩니다.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-10-20 00:45:00 -
AIA Korea 변호사 모집 공고
AIA Korea has now an opening for a qualified lawyer (Korea qualifed prefered) with minimum 3 years of PQE. The job description is as follows: Company: AIA Korea Position: Legal Counsel (과/차장급) – a mid-level manager of 8 member Legal Department, reporting to local General Counsel Responsibilities: - Provide independent and professional legal advice for life insurance business and day-to-day corporate affairs - Review and draft legal documentation, including insurance policy related documents, commercial contracts, and marketing material - Manage and oversee company secretarial services, e.g., safekeeping of statutory records and key corporate records, etc., and provide relevant assistance to local business units and group management - Prepare periodic reports to local management and group Legal Department - Manage external legal advisors Requirements: - Attorney license (Korea qualification preferred) and active bar membership in at least one jurisdiction - Minimum 3 years of PQE at reputable law firm and/or corporate in-house (financial industry preferred, but not required) - High proficiency in spoken and written Korean and English - Proactive, solution-oriented, and strong analytic skills The applicant should submit his/her resume to me (, and the submission due is October 15th. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-09-20 00:45:00 -
신한금융투자 미국변호사 채용
신한금융투자에서 다음과 같이 채용공고가 있습니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 신한금융투자(주)에서 다음과 같이 미국변호사를 모집합니다. ※ 당사는 신한금융지주회사의 자회사로 ‘자본시장과 금융투자업에 관한 법률’에 따라 금융투자업을 영위할 목적으로 1973년에 설립된 종합금융투자회사로 자세한 사항은 당사 홈페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다. 1. 모집분야 가. 담당업무 : 법률자문, 계약서(ISDA등) 검토 등 나. 채용인원 : 1명 다. 채용형태 : 계약직 라. 근 무 지 : 서울 여의도 본사 2. 지원자격 가. 미국변호사(LLM 또는 JD)로 1974년 이후 출생한 자 나. 한국어/영어에 능통한 자로 남자의 경우 병역필 또는 면제자 3. 채용조건 가. 계약기간 : 1년(근무실적에 따라 연장) 나. 보수수준 : 회사의 내부규정에 의거 책정하되 채용예정자의 경력, 능력 등을 고려하여 최종 결정하며, 복리후생은 일반직원과 동일함. 4. 제출서류 (나. ~ 라.의 경우 면접전형 시 제출) 가. 이력서와 자기소개서 각 1부. ※ 본인 인적 사항 이외에 LLM 또는 JD, 학력, 경력, 자격, 가족사항과 영어능력을 포함하여 기재 나. 대학 졸업증명서 및 성적표 각 1부. 다. 미국변호사 자격증 사본 및 경력증명서 각 1부. 라. 주민등록초본 1부.(남자의 경우 병역증명사항 포함) 5. 원서접수 및 전형방법 가. 접수기간 : 2010.9.6.(월) ~ 9.13.(월) 나. 접수방법 : 전자우편( (※ 이력서와 자기소개서) 다. 전형방법 : 1차 서류전형 –> 2차 면접전형(1차 서류전형 합격자에 한하며, 면접전형 일자와 장소는 개별통보) 6. 기타 가. 제출된 서류는 반환하지 않으며, 제출된 서류에 기재된 사항이 사실과 다름이 발견될 경우와 응시자격에 결격사유가 발생한 경우에는 채용을 취소할 수 있습니다. 나. 자격, 경력, 학력 등의 관련 증빙자료를 제출하지 못할 경우 해당사항을 인정하지 않습니다. 다. 이력서에는 반드시 연락처(집전화, 휴대폰, 전자우편주소)를 기재하시기 바랍니다. 라. 적격자가 없을 경우 채용하지 아니할 수도 있습니다. 마. 기타 문의사항은 김용필 법무팀장(☎ 02-3772-2214,에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-09-07 00:44:00 -
법무법인 바른 채용공고
아래와 같이 법무법인 바른의 채용공고가 있습니다. 관심있으신 회원께서는 참고하시기 바랍니다. Lawyer Position at Barun Law POSITION DEscRIPTION: Korean or US qualified lawyers specialized in finance or securities areas, both partner and associate levels EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: A minimum or two years experience required and five years or more experience preferred. Bilingual capability preferred. A large Firm (particularly an international firm) or financial institution in-house experience preferred. Team player and good communications skills required. PACKAGE AND BENEFITS: Per Barun Firm’s current policy which will be notified at the time of extension of an offer. All interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to the attention of Jae Choi, Barun Law at
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-09-05 00:44:00 -
[한국HP] - 법무팀 변호사 모집
안녕하세요 한국 HP 법무팀에서 함께 일하실 변호사를 찿고 있습니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 지원 부탁 드립니다. Job title: Legal Counsel BU: Legal team Description: 법무업무 일반 (계약검토/교섭, 소송관리, 기타 회사업무 관련 법률관계 자문 등) Requirement: 한국 또는 외국 변호사(실무경력 2 - 5 년), - Good command of English communication skill - 상세 사항은 첨부 자료 참조 지원 방법 및 제출 서류: 자기소개를 포함한 이력서 (ms-word) / -> search for this country -> legal counsel 에 업로드 문의: HP 인사부 (2199-4716 / 마감일: ASAP - 상세 사항은 첨부 자료 참조 지원 방법 및 제출 서류: 자기소개를 포함한 이력서 (ms-word) / -> search for this country -> legal counsel 에 업로드 문의: HP 인사부 (2199-4716 / 마감일: ASAP
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-09-01 00:43:00 -
[채용공고]IBM Korea Senior Lawyer
안녕하세요, IBM Korea에서 아래와 같이 채용공고를 공유해 주셨습니다. 관심있으신 회원께서는 참고하시기 바랍니다. Senior Lawyer Position at IBM POSITION DEscRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITY: Legal and business advice: Provide practical advice and support for internal clients on all types of legal and business issues related to corporate law, regulatory issues, IP law, labor law, data privacy, M&A issues, leasing, marketing, etc. Work closely with external counsel as necessary. Contract Negotiations: Lead major contract negotiations for IBM Korea, including negotiating and drafting contracts for IBM Korea’s many business units, including complex IT services, strategic outsourcing, software licensing, hardware sales, financing and procurement contracts with vendors. Major clients include Korean government entities, Korean and foreign banks, chaebol group companies, etc. Handle Litigation, Claims and Internal Investigations: Lead and advise the company on potential and actual litigation with the assistance of outside counsel. Provide advice and counsel to Software Compliance team with regard to software over-deployment and other compliance resolution issues. Provide advice and assistance on contract and other legal claims from customers, suppliers and partners. Direct investigations conducted by corporate auditors of internal policy violations and other suspected violations of law or regulations. Corporate Governance: Work with management and working-level employees on corporate governance to achieve IBM Korea’s business goals within the boundary of laws and IBM’s global corporate policies (Korean and U.S. laws, including the Securities Exchange Act, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act). Possibilities for professional growth within an exciting and innovative global company. Work as a leading team member within the 18-person IBM Korea legal team and the IBM Korea company (with over 2,500 employees and 1.3 trillion Won in annual revenue). EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Licensed attorney (Korean bar or U.S. bar with substantial Korean legal experience) 5-10 years relevant work experience Bilingual ability: effective in all forms of communication – oral, written, and presentations – in English and Korean Ability to communicate in a well-organized, accurate, concise and persuasive manner. Appropriate depth of substantive legal and business knowledge, preferably in the IT industry Independent and objective in considering all aspects of a problem before rendering an opinion. Ability to perform multiple tasks and handle a number of projects effectively within tight deadlines. All interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to the attention of David Waters, IBM Korea Regional Counsel ( prior to September 15, 2010.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-08-29 00:43:00 -
Celltrion Inc. 국내변호사/미국변호사 모집
Celltrion Incorporation에서 아래와 같이 모집중에 있습니다. 관심있으신 회원께서는 참고하시기 바랍니다. JOB SPECIFICATION Company: Celltrion Inc., a biotech/pharmaceutical conglomerate Qualification: 국내 변호사 (1명) 또는 미국 변호사 (1명) 소지자 Job title: legal counsel/senior legal counsel Place of employment: Incheon, Korea Employment status: Permanent employee (정규직) Job specifications: - 해당 분야 3~5년 경력 in a law firm handling a variety of substantive transactional work - 팀장/부장급 대우 (1억 연봉 package) - Have strong drafting skills and is detail oriented - 회사의 각 부서에 대한 전반적인 법률서비스 제공 - 사내/외 발생된 issue에 대해 문제해결 방안제시, 해결을 위한 communication - 타 부서와의 원활한 의사소통 가능 자 - 한국어/영어 의사소통 능력 우수자 (Need to be fluent in both Korean and English writing and speaking) - 능동적 업무 태도 - have good presence and social skills (e.g., confident) - Have strong work ethics - Manage an entry level U.S. associate Reporting to: General Counsel, who is 15 year qualified U.S. attorney Contact information: 으로 이력서 제출.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-08-17 00:42:00 -
LG전자 해외법무그룹 미국변호사 모집
LG 전자 해외법무그룹에서에서 아래와 같이 미국변호사를 모집하고 있습니다. 관심있으신 회원께서는 참고하시기 바랍니다. JOB OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT About LG Electronics, Inc.: Headquartered in Seoul, Korea, LG Electronics is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of consumer electronics, home appliances and mobile communication devices, employing more than 82,000 people around the world, with annual revenue exceeding $40 billion. ( Position: We are hiring one entry-level litigation attorney and one experienced senior litigation attorney to lead management of a wide range of US cases ranging from consumer class actions to commercial disputes. The applicants will report to the General Counsel (Executive VP). Successful candidates must exercise superior leadership, communication, and analytical skills, to work effectively with both outside attorneys and internal colleagues, tailoring work product and advice to the needs of each particular audience. They must monitor substantive developments in the law, understand the Company’s risk tolerance, and control outside counsel to support the Company’s business objectives. Also, proficiency in Korean is required. The Company offers competitive salary and benefits package depending on the demonstrated experience and expertise in the required areas of practice. Key qualifications: l Entry-level position: 0-2 years of litigation experience l Senior position: Minimum of 8 years of experience in complex civil litigation at an international law firm (500+ attorneys) Application Deadline: September 30, 2010 Location: LG Electronics, Inc. LG Twin Towers, 20 Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul, South Korea Please email cover letter and resume to
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-08-16 00:42:00 -
McDonald's Korea Legal Director Position
맥도날드코리아에서 다음과 같이 사내변호사를 모집하고 있습니다. Company: McDonald’s Korea Qualification: 국내 또는 미국 변호사 자격증 소지자 Job title: Legal Director 법무실 이사(회사 임원) Place of employment: Seoul, Korea Employment status: Permanent employee (정규직) Job specifications: - 해당 분야 6년 이상 경력(부동산관련 업무 유사업종 경험 우대) - 회사의 각 부서에 대한 전반적인 법률서비스 제공 - 타 부서와의 원활한 의사소통 가능 자 - 한국어/영어 의사소통 능력 우수자 (need to be fluent in both Korean and English—written and spoken) - 능동적 업무 태도 Contact information:으로 8월 25일까지 이력서 제출. 기타 문의는 법무실(원성민 상무)로 하시기 바랍니다 (070-7018-4650).
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-08-15 00:41:00 -
야후코리아 사내변호사 모집
안녕하세요, 야후코리아에서 다음과 같이 사내변호사를 모집하고 있습니다. Company: Yahoo! Korea Qualification: 국내 또는 미국 변호사 자격증 소지자 Job title: Legal Counsel (Junior) Contact information: 법무팀 남민지 대리님( 에게 7/30(금) 까지 이력서 제출 및 문의. Responsibilities- Basic understanding and knowledge on internet business.- Contract (inclusive of various legal documents) drafting, reviewing and if necessary, negotiation with partner/client.- Strong communication skill to detect hidden legal issues and to deliver legal research results to internal clients in an convincing way.- Strong analytic skills for various legal issues.- Whenever important legal issue pops up, providing legal memo in English reflecting background, facts, issues, analysis and conclusion (recommendation) to internal/external clients.- Working with various departments to facilitate compliance with various regulations and coordination and working with external lawyers and General Counsel on various corporate matters.- Evaluating whether the company is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, guidelines and directives issued by the Government and other regulatory authorities Qualification - Attorney License is required (US attorney is preferred).- At least two or three years’ in-house counsel or law firm experience.- Able to work with multiple tasking and proactive and initiative- Fluent in English (speaking and writing)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-07-13 00:41:00