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한국씨티금융지주 변호사 채용 공고
한국씨티금융지주㈜에서 아래와 같이 한국 변호사를 모집하오니 관심 있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. - 아 래 – ■ 모집부문 : 기업금융, 소비자금융 경력조건 : 사법연수원 30기~ 35기 내외로 영어 능통자 우대 ■ 근무조건: 협의 시 결정 ■ 전형절차: 서류전형 후 개별면접 실시 ■ 지원방법: 국문 및 영문이력서(MS-word 형식)를 함께 이메일로 송부 ■ 지원기간: 2011.2.25(금)까지 ■ 보내실 곳:,, 이메일 제목은 “한국씨티은행 변호사 지원 (지원자성명)”으로 작성하여 수신처 세 곳 모두 지정할 것 ■ 관련 문의 : 법무지원 신혜정 대리 (, 02-3455-2183) 인사본부 이은령 부부장 (, 02-3455-2230)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-02-15 00:56:00 -
삼성엔지니어링 미국변호사 채용공고
삼성엔지니어링 법무팀에서 근무하실 사내 변호사(미국변호사)를 모집하고 있습니다. Seeking in-house counsel Samsung Engineering Co., Ltd., a member of the Samsung Group of companies, and a leading international EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contractor, is seeking an attorney to join its legal department at its headquarters in Seoul, Korea. The relevant qualifications and experience sought are as below: Education, qualifications - JD Degree from a leading United States law school; - Bar membership in a U.S. state Experience - 1-3 years PQE - Experience in corporate and/or transactional work at a major law firm/corporation. - Experience in contract review and negotiation, contract drafting, legal research, drafting of memos, in relation to the engineering and construction industry would be ideal. Language ability - Native level English ability required. - Fluency in the Korean language highly preferred. Scope of work to include - Contract review (in relation to contracts related to large scale international engineering and construction projects) and negotiation; - Contract drafting; - Assistance to project teams for contract interpretation; claim and dispute support; drafting of notices and correspondence required under relevant contracts; - Research into local laws and regulations where projects and/or local offices/subsidiaries are located; and - International business trips to support marketing and/or project activities. Cover letter and resume can be sent to Mr. Thomas Chung (, Mr. Daewoong Lee ( ) and Mr. Changhoon Lee ( The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2011.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-02-14 00:55:00 -
GE Aviation 채용공고
Posted Position Title Counsel - Government Business About Us GE is planning for tomorrow. Where will you be? For more than 125 years, GE has been respected for its performance and innovative spirit. GE people worldwide are dedicated to turning imaginative ideas into leading products and services that help solve some of the world's toughest problems. Looking for a challenge where your experience is valued? Come see what you can achieve as a leader with GE Aviation! Role Summary/Purpose The Counsel - Government Business demonstrates accountability for functional, business, and broad company objectives. In this role, you will integrate and develop processes that meet business needs across the organization, manage complex issues within area of expertise, be involved in long-term planning, and contribute to the overall business strategy. Essential Responsibilities Provide GE Aviation's leaders with legal advice on complex government (military) business issues throughout East Asia Assist in negotiations of contracts for the sale of military products and services throughout East Asia Lead compliance investigations and initiatives Counsel the business with regard to regulatory and contractual interpretations Conduct target due diligence and develop relationships with external customers and regulatory counsels Play an integral role in Aviation's military business growth strategies Qualifications/Requirements Juris Doctorate from an accredited law school At least 5 years experience, including experience in government procurement of military products and services. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT: Member in good standing with the appropriate bar Additional Eligibility Qualifications GE will only employ those who are legally authorized to work. Any offer of employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of a background investigation and drug screen. Desired Characteristics Background and experience in government (military) sales and/or acquisitions Strong oral and written communication skills Strong interpersonal and leadership skills Capability to think clearly and quickly under pressure, and the composure to satisfy multiple and often competing interests A strong commitment to professionalism A superior work history which affirmatively demonstrates leadership and a capability to work autonomously Superior analytical skills 담당자 연락처: Joanne KimT +82-2-6201-3026F +82-2-6201-3024M +82-10-5474-5424E
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-02-13 00:55:00 -
법무법인 양헌 외국변호사 채용
한국 최초의 로펌인 법무법인 양헌(Kim, Chang & Lee)이 새롭게 도약하고 있습니다. 국제적인 업무가 많은 법무법인 양헌과 함께 새로운 역사를 열어갈 능력 있는외국변호사를 모시고자 하니 실력과 열정을 겸비한 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. 이메일로 간단한 자기소개서와 함께 이력서를 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다 ( 문의 : (02) 3782-5513 (안성일 변호사)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-02-10 00:55:00 -
한국투자공사 직원 채용공고
국가 공공자산의 해외투자 전문기관인 한국투자공사(KIC)가 국부의 보존과 증대에 기여하고 금융산업의 선진화와 미래를 개척할 도전적이고 창의적이며 전문적인 역량을 갖춘 인재를 초대합니다. 1. 채용예정 인원 : O명 2. 모집부문 2011년 직원채용용 모집부문 직무 모집요건 수행예정직무 준법감시 법무 해외법무 업무경험 5년이하 (신입포함) 해외투자 계약서 검토 등 해외 투자 법무 업무 ※ 상기 모집인원은 계약직이며 업무성과 및 향후 공사 정원현황에 따라 정직원으로 전환 가능합니다. 3. 응시자격 o 국가공무원법 제33조의 어느 하나에도 해당되지 않는 자 o 남자의 경우 병역필 또는 면제자 (외국인의 경우 적용 제외) o 영어구사능력은 필수이며, 보훈대상자는 우대합니다. 4. 서류접수방법 및 제출서류 o 공사 홈페이지( 접수 ※ 후보자 제출서류 - 입사지원서(공사양식) : 온라인 지원양식에 직접입력 - 영문 이력서, 영문 직무수행계획서(공통) : 온라인 접수시 별도 첨부 - 영문 경력기술서(경력직원에 한함) : 온라인 접수시 별도 첨부 5. 접수기간 : 2011. 01. 26(수) ~ 02. 08(화) 18:00까지 6. 전형절차 및 채용일정 o 전형절차 서류전형, 1차 면접전형, 2차 면접전형 o 서류전형 § 제출서류를 기준으로 자격요건 해당여부 심사 § 합격자에 한해 개별 통보 o 면접전형 § 서류전형 합격자에 한하여 면접을 실시 § 합격자에 한해 개별 통보 7. 기타 사항 o 최종 합격자는 기재된 내용이 허위로 판명되는 경우에는 임용이 취소될 수 있음을 알려드립니다. o 당 공사의 사정에 따라 전형절차와 일정 등은 변경될 수 있으며, 기타 채용조건은 공사 취업규칙에 따릅니다.(변경시 당 공사 홈페이지 공고) o 기타 자세한 문의 내용은 한국투자공사 인사담당자(☏ 02-2179-1046, 1056)에게 연락 바랍니다. 2011년 1월 26일
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-01-27 00:54:00 -
이랜드 국내/해외 변호사 모집공고
이랜드 국내/해외 변호사 모집 [ 국내변호사 기준 ] 1. 주요 업무 : 기본 소송, 계약서 검토, 각종 법률자문과 컨설팅, M&A, 부동산개발, 라이센스, 공정거래, 노무 등 업무 2. 경력 : 2~4년차 (주요 업무 경력있는 분 우대) 3. 나이 : 30대 중반 4. 영어가능자 우대 [ 해외변호사 기준 ] 1. 변호사 자격증: 미국 (뉴욕주, 캘리포니아주 등 주요 주 Bar Member) 2. 주요 업무 (입사 후 할 일): Out bound M&A, JV, License, 해외 법률 자문, 계약서 검토 및 초안 작성, 협상 3. 경력: 2~3 년차 (주요 업무 경력 있는 분 우대) 4. 나이: 30대 중반 (33세 ~ 37세) 5. Language: English, Korean (둘 다 speaking, writing 가능해야 하며 두 언어로 보고서 작성도 가능한 수준) [공통] 1. 회사의 기독교 문화를 존중할 수 있는 분 2. 해외 여행에 결격사유가 없는 자 지원시기: 가능한 빨리 지원서류: 국/영문 이력서, 경력 기술서 (자유양식) 를 이메일로 제출 제출하실 곳: (인사팀 선미란 차장(02-2029-3384))
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-01-13 00:54:00 -
Tyco International Law Dept Job Opening
Tyco International Law Dept is looking for an in-house counsel, KR bar admitted or foreign bar admitted, with 2-5 years’ broad corporate experiences. Please provide resumes to until the end of January. Thank you. Una MIN Legal Counsel, Korea Tyco International Asia, Inc. 108-9 Samsung-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, the Republic of Korea 135-090 Tel: 82-2-3485-9260 Fax: 82-2-3485-9061 Mobile: 82-11-463-9303 *** Attorney Client Privileged Communication ***
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-01-12 00:53:00 -
씨티은행 외국변호사 모집공고
한국씨티은행에서 다음과 같이 사내변호사(외국변호사)를 모집합니다.1.조건: 로펌 혹은 사내변호사 경력 1년-5년,한국어 영어 모두 능통할 것2.근무조건: 협의 시 결정3.전형절차: 서류전형 후 개별면접 실시4.지원방법: 국문 및 영문이력서(MS-word 형식)를 함께 이메일로 송부5.지원기간: 2011.1.14 ~ 2011.1.28.6.보내실 곳: , eunryung.lee@citi.com이메일 제목은 “한국씨티은행 변호사 지원 (지원자성명)”으로 작성하여 수신처 두 곳 모두 지정할 것7.관련 문의는 ㈜한국씨티은행 법무본부 신혜정 대리 ( , 02-3455-2183), 혹은 인사본부 이은령 부부장 ( , 02-3455-2230)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-01-12 00:53:00 -
SK건설 미국변호사 채용 공고
SK Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd. is an international engineering, procurement and construction company. Ranked as 94th on ENR’s 225 Top International and Global Contractors in 2010, the Company has provided engineering and construction services in various high profile international projects including construction of mega size new refinery plants, power plants or commercial buildings in various areas including the Middle East and South America. In addition to providing traditional engineering and construction services, the Company provides clients with “total solution services” in infrastructure development projects from feasibility studies to financing arrangement. We are currently seeking for an attorney to join our international legal department. Basic Requirements: 1. Education: ABA Accredited Law School Graduate 2. Experience: three years or less 3. Admission to any State Bar 4. Korean Language Skill is highly preferred 5. Must be interested in construction law and alternative dispute resolution Responsibilities 1. Draft, review and negotiate construction-related contracts such as engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts, joint venture contracts, etc and other corporate and financial documents. 2. Provide legal advice to internal clients concerning various legal issues derived from construction projects or project developments 3. Communicate with and manage outside legal counsel of various jurisdictions with respect to litigation, claim and project financing 4. Handle and manage litigation, claims and disputes with clients and subcontractors A successful candidate will be based in the headquarter of the Company in Seoul, South Korea. This position requires occasional business trips to developing countries. An ideal candidate should be open-minded to unfamiliar culture and environment, highly motivated to learn new skills, highly adaptable to new environments and working conditions and possess strong ability to perform multiple tasks with tight deadlines. For more information about SK Engineering and Construction, Co., Ltd., please visit:, and if you have any inquiries about this position and our company, please contact us at +82-2-3499-1511 or To apply for this position, please send a cover letter and resume to:
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2011-01-06 00:52:00 -
포스코파워 미국변호사 채용공고
포스코의 에너지 분야 자회사인 포스코파워에서 미국 변호사를 채용합니다. The relevant qualifications and experience: - JD from a leading US law school; - Bar membership in a US state; - 1-3 years relevant work experience in a major law firm or a corporate legal department is required; - Candidates with working experience in construction, heavy industries, energy, or IPP (Independent Power Producer) projects are preferred; - Experience in contract review and negotiations, good command of contract drafting skills; - Good command of verbal and written English communication skills required; - Fluency in Korean language is a must; - Must be a team player and good communicator. Job description: - Support the business teams in outbound transactions for IPP projects in power plants and renewable energy field; - Contract reviews and negotiations for outbound transactions in M&A, joint venture, foreign direct investment, project financing, EPC contracts, and/or supply contracts; - Research in local laws and regulations for company’s overseas IPP projects; - Provide legal analysis for investment structuring and tax planning issues for outbound transactions; - Provide legal support for the company’s implementation of IPP projects overseas ; - Engage in legal due diligence for the company’s investment opportunities overseas; - Provide legal support for the company’s fuel cell business by giving opinions for various IP issues and technology transfer by contract drafting and negotiations; - Giving legal opinions for various issues relating the company’s day-to-day’s businesses such as tax, governance, interpretation of energy related regulations and etc.; - Work closely with other companies within POSCO group; - The candidate may take occasional business trips to overseas to support the contract negotiations and other major business meetings of the management. Cover letter and resume can be sent to the Company’s HR department. Please contact Mr. Woo-young Choi ( 회사 웹사이트 링크 -
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2010-12-30 00:52:00