Total 3,069
- 번호
- 제목
- 첨부파일
- 등록일
- 1699
- [법무법인(유) 율촌] 율촌 입법 위클리 2023-18호
- Array
- 2023-08-11
- 1698
- [법무법인(유) 율촌] 주택공급 확대 및규 제완화를 위한 도시정비법 개정
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- 2023-08-11
- 1697
- [법무법인(유한) 대륙아주] Weekly_Legislative_Report_Week_of_July_24_to_July_28_2023
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- 2023-08-10
- 1696
- [법무법인(유한) 대륙아주] 주간입법동향_vol.126
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- 2023-08-10
- 1695
- [법무법인(유한) 대륙아주] 주간입법동향_vol.125
- Array
- 2023-08-10
- 1694
- [법무법인(유한) 대륙아주] Weekly_Legislative_Report_Week_of_July_31_to_August_4_2023
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- 2023-08-10
- 1693
- [SHIN & KIM] Amendment to the Industrial Technology Divulgence Prevention Act and the Enactment of the Notification on National High-Tech Industry Act
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- 1692
- [SHIN & KIM] Amendment to Approval Regulations for Korean Power Businesses
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- 1691
- [SHIN & KIM] Implications of the Amended Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act and the Regulations
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- 1690
- [SHIN & KIM] 신기술 적용 핵심장치에 대한 안전성인증 제도 도입 관련 자동차관리법 일부개정법률안 국회 본회의 통과
- Array
- 2023-08-10