협력기관 세미나소식

포럼소개 포럼소식 회원공간 후원로펌/협력기관 Job Posting 연회비 결제 이사회 자료실
협력기관 세미나소식
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[Singapore Corporate Counsel Association] APAC Legal Congress 2025_4/3(Thu)-4/4(Fri)
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2025년 04월 03일 (목) 9시0분 ~ 2025년 04월 04일 (금)17시30분
One Farrer Hotel, Singapore
_Legal Congress Banners 2025 - IHCF.png

► IHCF 회원을 위한 할인코드 적용 방법

1. On your web browser, visit LegalCongress.com
2. Click the REGISTER button
3. Select any Public Ticket (Early Bird or Standard doesn’t matter)
4. Enter the following Discount Code: APLC2025IHCF and click the APPLY button
  • If you are unable to click the APPLY button after entering the Discount Code,
    click any empty space on the form and the APPLY button should light up
  • Please ensure that the total amount due is $0 after the Discount Code is Applied
5. Click the REGISTER NOW button and complete the registration process
6. Please note that this complimentary registration is for IHCF members use only.
    Kindly do not share the code with external parties such as Private Practice Lawyers, Media or Press.