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㈜KT사내변호사 채용 공고(~7/19)
㈜KT사내변호사 채용 공고문(2017) 지원 시 유의사항본 채용 공고문을 확인하고, 지원관련 서류를 다운로드 하여 작성하신 후, 입사지원서 접수 E-Mail (로 개인정보 수집•이용 동의서, 입사지원서, 자기소개서를 제출합니다.☞ 지원서류는 대한변호사협회 취업정보센터에서도 다운로드 가능(해당 링크:, 채용정보란에서“KT”로 검색)※ 반드시 “개인정보 수집•이용동의서” 를 작성하여 제출 하여야만 유효한 접수로 간주되오며, 제출된 입사관련 서류내용 중 “개인정보 수집•이용 동의서” 제출이 누락된 입사관련 서류는 무효로 처리한 후, 해당 입사관련 서류는 삭제할 예정 입니다. 제출하신 서류는 반환되지 않습니다. 서류전형 합격자가 면접 시 서류전형 판단기준인 제출서류를 전부 또는 일부 제출하지 않거나, 제출서류 내용과 입사지원서 기재내용과 상이한 경우 서류전형 합격이 취소됩니다. 모집분야 및 지원요건 모집분야 업무내용 지원요건 (채용공고일 현재) 인원 채용 유형 비고 미국 변호사 또는 한국 변호사 ㅇ 해외사업 관련 법률자문 및 계약 검토, 협상 지원 ㅇ 국제거래/해외사업 관련 분쟁대응 ㅇ 임직원 대상 해외사업 관련 법률교육 지원 등 (필수요건) ㅇ 한국변호사 또는 미국변호사 자격증소지자(JD,LLM) ㅇ 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자 (우대요건) ㅇ 한국어 및 영어 능통자 ㅇ 기업 또는 로펌에서 해외법무 관련 실무경력자 (1~3년) 0명 전문 경력직 (계약직) (근무지) 서울 광화문 채용 일정 구 분 제 출 서 류 제출시기 제출장소 응시자 ㅇ 개인정보 수집•이용 동의서, 입사지원서, 자기소개서 지원 시 서류전형 합격자 ㅇ 주민등록초본 1통(병역사항 기재) ㅇ 최종학교 졸업증명서 1통(석사소지자는 학사포함) ㅇ 최종학교 전학년 성적증명서 1통(석사 소지자는 대학 포함) - 전학년 평균평점 및 만점 기재 - 편입학의 경우 편입학 전 성적증명서 포함 - 법학전문대학원 졸업자의 경우 환산점수(100점 만점)로 기재 ㅇ 사법연수원 수료자의 경우 사법연수원 성적증명서(석차기재) 1통 ㅇ 입사지원서에 기록한 자격증, 어학성적 등 사본 ㅇ 경력자의 경우 경력증명서 또는 재직증명서 1통 ㅇ 취업보호대상자 증명서 1통(해당자 限) 면접 시 면접장소 면접 합격자 ㅇ 가족관계증명서(구 호적등본) 1통 ㅇ 주민등록등본 1통 ㅇ 국.공립 병원 발행 채용신체검사서(공무원채용신검 기준에 준용) ㅇ 장애인 증명서 1통(해당자限) ㅇ 반명함판 사진 1매 별도통보※ 채용관련 문의는 박신웅 차장 제출 서류 입사지원서 접수 서류심사 합격자 발표 후속일정 2017. 7.12. ~ 2017. 7. 19. 24:00 ㅇ 전자메일 접수 - 제출서류: 개인정보 수집•이용 동의서, 입사지원서, 자기소개서 2017. 7. 21(금) 예정 (개별통보 예정) ※전형 일정(예정) - 1차면접: 7월 중 합격자 한 개별통보 - 2차면접: 8월 중 합격자 한 개별통보 ☞채용신체검사 및 채용절차는 최종 합격자에게 개별 통보 후 진행 ※ 상기 일정은 진행과정에서 조정될 수 있으며 공고 이후 변경 내용은 입사지원서에 기재한 e-mail로 안내 합니다.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-07-14 08:33:42 -
한국전력공사 전문인력 신규채용 모집요강(~7/26)
* 자기소개서 양식 첨부참조
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-07-13 23:04:46 -
㈜ 셀트리온 해외 변호사 채용
Celltrion, Inc., based in Songdo, Korea, is a global leader in the development, manufacture, and distribution of biopharmaceutical products. The Company is by far the largest company on KOSDAQ with a market capitalization of 13 trillion Korean won (US$ 11.8 billion). We are currently seeking two (2) ambitious and talented lawyers to join our Legal Affairs Department. 1. Junior Corporate Counsel, Transactional Team Job Description • Advise and assist business units within the company on a broad range of legal issues in support of their business initiatives, including product development, clinical trials, regulatory approval and distribution as well as general corporate legal issues. • Specific duties include reviewing, drafting and negotiating various agreements such as CDAs, CTAs, MSAs, licensing agreements, distribution agreements and other general contracts, and providing general legal advice and guidance on day-to-day corporate matters. Working knowledge of healthcare/pharmaceutical industry is a plus, but not a prerequisite. Qualifications • J.D. degree from an ABA accredited law school or equivalent degree from a Canadian, U.K. or Australian law school with a license to practice law in the applicable jurisdictions. • Some legal experience in an in-house legal department or law firm preferred. • Strong interpersonal skills, including excellent negotiation skills, creativity and ability to collaborate in a team environment. • Excellent analytical skills and the ability to write persuasively and effectively. • Provide optimal customer service to internal clients, quickly and effectively. • Ability to read, write and speak Korean. • Able to travel internationally. Job Type: Full-time 2. Junior Litigation Counsel, Litigation Team Job Description • Oversee and handle litigation and dispute resolution, including developing litigation strategy, effectively managing outside counsel, reviewing pleadings and briefs, and advising internal clients on a wide variety of legal issues, with a focus on intellectual property matters; • Manage internal and regulatory investigations and proactively analyze IP risks; • Collaborate internally and externally to consult with and advise various business units on disputes, litigations, compliance issues, risk management, and a variety of commercial/contract matters. Qualifications • J.D. degree from an ABA accredited law school or equivalent degree from English speaking country with a license to practice law in the applicable jurisdictions; • Undergraduate degree in chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, immunology or a related discipline preferred; • 1 to 3 years relevant litigation experience in a law firm or corporation preferred; • Strong interpersonal and communications skills to interact successfully with attorneys, in-house client groups, senior management and outside parties are key: ability to attentively listen, actively engage in, and concisely and effectively communicate complex matters in oral and written form; • Demonstrated evidence of professional maturity and judgment, including the ability to handle confidential documents and highly sensitive information; • Strong multitasking skills to juggle multiple matters, willingness to take on new challenges, and be able to work on a tight deadline; • Fluent in English, with ability to read, write and speak Korean; • Able to travel internationally. Job Type: Full-time Application instructions: Please submit one (1) set of cover letter, resume and writing sample via email to: Min-Soo Jang, Assistant Manager in charge of recruitment at
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-07-12 13:45:25 -
Ivyforce 채용공고(채용시 마감)
Ivyforce LLC is a U.S. based legal service provider specializing in legal translations. Our legal translation team includes more than 110 licensed attorneys. We have worked with several leading domestic and international law firms including Barun, Kim & Chang, Lee & Ko, Yulchon, Baker & McKenzie, Covington & Burling, Cleary Gottlieb, Jones Day, K&L Gates, Linklaters, and Paul Weiss. We have also worked with several multinational companies including Apple, Disney, British American Tobacco, JTI, Inditex (Zara), Louis Vuitton, Philips, Amore Pacific, CJ E&M, Samsung Bioepis, Hyundai U&I, and SK Planet. Our clients continuously praise us for providing top notch legal translation services that are on par with those offered by major law firms. Our Seoul office is currently hiring both freelance translators and in-house attorneys (both Korea and U.S. licensed attorneys). Our in-house attorneys not only translate, edit, and proofread legal documents, but draft, review, and revise contracts as well. If interested, please either send us an email ( or apply through our website ( REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATION Advanced degree (JD or equivalent) in law. WORK EXPERIENCE A minimum 1 year of relevant experience dealing with legal matters. SKILLS/COMPETENCIES Good analytical and organizational skills. Good interpersonal skills. Excellent written and oral communication skills with proven ability to draft clearly and concisely. Ability to work well under pressure. Ability to work in a team
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-07-07 17:28:41 -
㈜한국씨티은행 채용 공고(~7/7)
㈜한국씨티은행 채용 공고 ㈜한국씨티은행에서 함께 일할 직원을 아래와 같이 모집하오니, 관심 있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. - 아 래 – l 모집부문: 이사회 지원 및 지배구조 관련 업무 l 모집인원: 1명 l 업무 - 이사회 및 주주총회 관련 업무 (이사회 의안 기획 및 의안자료 초안 작성, 취합 및 배포, 회의 준비, 의사록 작성 등 - 금융감독기관, 국회 등 대외 기관으로부터의 검사 및 자료 요청에 대한 대응 - 기타 내부 법무팀 내 행정지원 업무 l 경력조건: - 이사회 지원 및 지배구조 관련 업무 경력자 우대 - 영어 능통자 우대 - 사내 법무팀 혹은 이사회지원업무 유관 부서 경력자 우대 l 고용형태 및 근무조건: 계약직원 (근무조건은 추후 협의 후 결정, 변호사직이 아니므로 변호사 자격자 응모할 경우 반려예정) l 전형절차: 서류전형 및 개별면접 실시 l 지원방법 : 당행 채용 Site 접속하여 온라인 지원 - 지원 Site: - Position_직무검색(조회) : 17047291 l 지원기간: 2017년 7월 1일 ~ 7월 7일까지 l 문 의: ㈜한국씨티은행 인사부 주정호 차장 (전화: 02-3455-2248) 법무지원부 양재선 상무변호사 (전화: 02-3455-2379)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-07-03 10:48:00 -
법무법인 한얼 변호사 채용(~7/6)
Job Associate (incoming) The IP practice group of Hanol Law Offices is seeking to hire a lawyer with native English writing skills to join its quickly growing practice. No experience is necessary. Candidates should have a strong and sincere interest in soft IP work and should be prepared to work exclusively for foreign clients. Well-matched candidates will have a professional and pleasant demeanor, strong multi-tasking skills, and an ability to contribute to a collegial team environment. Interested candidates should submit the following to Nakyung Heo at no later than Thursday, July 6, 2017: Resume College and law school transcripts Proof of bar admission Short cover letter All telephone inquiries should be directed to Nakyung Heo at 02-6004-2549. Interviews will be held on a rolling basis.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-06-30 08:31:37 -
삼성전기 해외 변호사 채용(채용시 마감)
삼성전기 해외 변호사 채용 공고 삼성전기와 함께 꿈과 능력을 펼칠 변호사를 모집합니다. ■ 모집부문 및 지원자격 모집부문 경력 변호사 (해외) 모집인원 0 명 근무지 수원 (삼성전기 본사) 응시자격 美 Juris Doctor 학위보유자 로펌/기업 법무팀 경력 3~5년 우대사항 영어 및 한국어 능통 필수 IP라이센싱 (분쟁, 계약) 업무 경험자 우대 중국 법무경험 및 중국어 가능자 우대 ■ 전형방법 - 1단계 : 서류전형 - 2단계 : 면접 및 건강검진 ■ 제출서류 및 접수방법 - 제출서류 1) 입사지원서 (첨부양식 ) 2) 경력증명서 3)어학능력 자격증명서 (소지시) - 접수방법 : E-mail 접수 (윤혜영 대리, ■ 제출기간 : ASAP ■ 기타 사항은 삼성전기 채용담당자 (윤혜영 대리,, 031-218-2729) 에 문의해 주시기 바라며, 면접 대상자는 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별 통지 예정입니다.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-06-29 15:01:38 -
SK주식회사 홀딩스 외국변호사 채용 (~7/14)
SK주식회사 홀딩스 외국변호사 채용 1. 모집부문 : SK주식회사 홀딩스 법무담당 (근무지 : 서울 종로구) 2. 주요 담당업무- M&A 등 해외 Project관련 법무 지원- 영문 계약 및 해외 법무 자문, 법률검토 - 기타 일상적인 법무 업무 등 3. 지원자격- 영미권 (미국, 영국 등) 변호사 자격 소지자 - 영미권 Law School (JD or JD equivalent 학위 보유) 및 학부 졸업자 - Native 수준의 영어 능력 및 회의 참석 가능한 수준의 한국어 능력(reading, writing 가능 우대)- 병역필 혹은 면제자로 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자 4. 경력사항 : 신입 또는 변호사 경력 4년 이내 (국내외 로펌, 사내변호사 경력 우대) 5. 전형절차 : 서류전형 – 면접 및 필기 전형 – 채용검진 - 최종합격 6. 근무형태 : 계약직 (추후 정규직 전환 검토 가능) 7. 지원기간 및 방법 - 지원기간 : 17. 07. 14(금)까지 - 제출서류 : 이력서(Resume), 입사지원서(Cover letter), 로스쿨 졸업 증명서 사본, 변호사 자격증 사본 - 제출 및 관련 문의 : (SK주식회사 홀딩스 채용담당자) * 제출서류는 반환하지 않으며, 허위사실이 있는 경우 선발이 취소됩니다.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-06-29 10:11:33 -
Universal Postal Union: Senior Legal Expert P4(~8/2)
Vacancy Announcement No: UPU/17/P4/FT-C/185 Title: Senior Legal Expert Grade: P4 Type of contract Fixed-term (Core) Appointment Duration: Three years Publication Date: 21 June 2017 Application Deadline: 2 August 2017 (36 day(s) until closing deadline) Currently accepting applications Organizational Unit: Legal Affairs Directorate (DAJ) Duty Station: Bern Switzerland Scheduled date for taking up appointment: As soon as possible Organizational Context: With its 192 member countries, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a specialized agency of the United Nations, is the primary forum for cooperation between postal sector players. It helps to ensure a truly universal network of up-to-date products and services. Main duties: Under the guidance and supervision of the Director of Legal Affairs, the incumbent's functions shall involve advanced research, analysis and advice on a wide range of legal issues relating to the functions, structure and activities of the UPU, with emphasis on public international law, administrative law, intellectual property law as well as legal issues associated with information and communication technology.1. Undertake studies and/or review work of staff, research and drafts and examine precedents on legal issues relating to the functions, structure and activities of the UPU.2. Provide interpretation of legal instruments, such as constitutions, statutes, treaties, agreements, regulations and rules, resolutions or other legal materials relevant to the work of the UPU. 3. Provide legal opinion or advice on specific issues relating to the functions, structure and activities of the UPU.4. Provide advice and assistance in resolving procedural and substantive legal questions at meetings.5. Provide and/or coordinate secretariat services to various committees and bodies dealing with legal matters falling within the competence of the UPU, including without limitation: a) Preparing background materials, reports and papers;b) Preparing and formulating legal advice to members and secretariats of such bodies;c) Synthesizing member countries' views and practices on particular legal issues;d) Drafting legal instruments, such as draft treaty texts, agreements, contracts, internal regulations and rules or other legislative materials pertaining to the UPU;e) Consulting with counterparts in other organizations. Participating in negotiations with contractors and with representatives of member countries. Representing the UPU in conferences and meetings of other organizations, acting within general guidelines, relying on own judgement to determine when consultations at a higher level would be required.f) Reviewing the legal aspects of draft agreements, correspondence and other texts, which are relevant to the functions of the DAJ or have been passed to it for comments or clearance.g) Preparing briefs and representing the UPU in proceedings before the competent appeals bodies and administrative tribunals (such as the ILO Administrative Tribunal - ILOAT), as well as any other judicial or quasi-judicial body;h) Representing the DAJ at specialized meetings and on internal bodies, boards or committees. QUALIFICATION AND SKILLS REQUIRED Education:Advanced university degree in law (Master or equivalent), preferably with a specialization in public international law or administrative law. Experience: At least seven years of professional experience in an international legal environment. Technical knowledge: 1. Excellent knowledge of public international law and administrative law (particularly in what pertains to the United Nations Common System).2. Good knowledge of international intellectual property law and other legal issues associated with information and communication technology.3. Good knowledge of contract law and international commercial agreements.4. Good knowledge of the framework on privileges and immunities as applied to intergovernmental organizations (with emphasis on the specialized agencies of the United Nations).5. Excellent analytical and legal drafting skills. Skills and abilities / competencies: 1. Ability to defend and explain difficult and sensitive issues to staff members (including senior officials), member country delegates as well as counterparts of United Nations system organizations and other intergovernmental organizations.2. Excellent conceptual thinking, logical and analytical skills3. Excellent negotiation skills with a heightened sense of impartiality and objectivity.4. Flexibility to accommodate changes in circumstances, opinions and priorities, often at short notice.5. Proven organizational skills with regard to the management of complex legal projects, attention to detail and good planning abilities.6. Strong interpersonal and team working skills.7. Excellent communication skills in written and oral form.8. Strong ethical awareness. Language skills: French and English: Fluency in one language, working knowledge of the other language.Working knowledge of other United Nations languages is an advantage. Additional Information: Annual salary:(Net of tax) 70,647 USDPost adjustment: The percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards without notice._______________________________________________________________________________________Candidates must ensure that they provide relevant contact details so that they can be contacted at any time, to prevent them from being excluded from the selection process. The conditions of service are governed by the Staff Regulations and Rules of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union. Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application form. All applications must be received by the closing date as stated in the vacancy announcement. All applicants employed by postal entities and applying for a vacant position in the Professional (P) or Senior (D) category must be recommended and submitted through the competent postal authority.Applications not satisfying this criterion may not be considered.Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. Applications from women and member states are particularly encouraged. The UPU promotes diversity and work-life balance. For further instructions regarding the online application process, please visit the UPU internet page at: ... Currently accepting applications
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-06-27 15:12:53 -
Universal Postal Union: Legal Expert P2 (~8/2)
Legal Expert P2 (main focus on public international law, contractual issues and intellectual property law) Vacancy Announcement No: UPU/17/P2/FT-C/184 Title: Legal Expert Grade: P2 Type of contract Fixed-term (Core) Appointment Duration: Three years Publication Date: 21 June 2017 Application Deadline: 2 August 2017 (36 day(s) until closing deadline) Currently accepting applications Organizational Unit: Legal Affairs Directorate (DAJ) Duty Station: Bern Switzerland Scheduled date for taking up appointment: As soon as possible Organizational Context: With its 192 member countries, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a specialized agency of the United Nations, is the primary forum for cooperation between postal sector players. It helps to ensure a truly universal network of up-to-date products and services. Main duties: Under the guidance and supervision of the Director of Legal Affairs, the incumbent's functions shall involve research, analysis and advice on a varied range of legal issues relating to the functions, structure and activities of the UPU, with emphasis on public international law and contractual issues, intellectual property law as well as legal issues associated with information and communication technology.1. In accordance with predetermined guidelines, undertake studies, carry out research, prepare drafts and examine precedents on legal issues relating to the functions, structure and activities of the UPU.2. Provide preliminary interpretation of legal instruments, such as constitutions, statutes, treaties, agreements, regulations and rules, resolutions or other legal materials relevant to the work of the UPU. 3. Provide legal opinion or advice on issues of limited scope relating to the functions, structure and activities of the UPU.4. Provide preliminary advice and assistance in resolving procedural and substantive legal questions at meetings.5. Provide secretariat services to various committees and bodies dealing with legal matters falling within the competence of the UPU, including without limitation: a) Preparing background materials, reports and papers;b) Preparing and formulating preliminary legal advice to members and secretariats of such bodies;c) Synthesizing member countries’ views and practices on particular legal issues;d) Preparing preliminary drafts of legal instruments, such as draft treaty texts, agreements, contracts, internal regulations and rules or other legislative materials pertaining to the UPU;e) Within the framework of delegated duties, consulting with counterparts in other organizations, participating in negotiations with contractors and with representatives of member countries. f) Undertaking a preliminary review of the legal aspects of draft agreements, correspondence and other texts, which are relevant to the functions of the DAJ or have been passed to it for comments or clearance.g) Within the framework of delegated duties, representing the DAJ at specialized meetings and on internal bodies, boards or committees. QUALIFICATION AND SKILLS REQUIRED Education:First level university degree (Bachelor or similar) in law, preferably with a specialization in public international law or administrative law. An advanced university degree (Master or equivalent) is an asset. Experience: At least two years of professional experience in an international legal environment. Technical knowledge: 1. Excellent knowledge of public international law and administrative law (particularly in what pertains to the United Nations Common System).2. Good knowledge of international intellectual property law and other legal issues associated with information and communication technology.3. Good knowledge of contract law and international commercial agreements.4. Good knowledge of the framework on privileges and immunities as applied to intergovernmental organizations (with emphasis on the specialized agencies of the United Nations).5. Excellent analytical and legal drafting skills. Skills and abilities / competencies: 1. Ability to defend and explain difficult and sensitive issues to staff members (including senior officials), member country delegates as well as counterparts of United Nations system organizations and other intergovernmental organizations.2. Excellent conceptual thinking, as well as logical and analytical skills.3. Excellent negotiation skills with a heightened sense of impartiality and objectivity.4. Flexibility to accommodate changes in circumstances, opinions and priorities, often at short notice.5. Proven organizational skills with regard to the management of complex legal projects, attention to detail and good planning abilities.6. Strong interpersonal and teamworking skills.7. Excellent communication skills in written and oral form.8. Strong ethical awareness. Language skills: French and English: Fluency in one language, working knowledge of the other language.Working knowledge of other United Nations languages is an advantage. Additional Information: Annual salary:(Net of tax)46,026 USDPost adjustment: The percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards without notice.__________________________________________________________________________________________Candidates must ensure that they provide relevant contact details so that they can be contacted at any time, to prevent them from being excluded from the selection process. The conditions of service are governed by the Staff Regulations and Rules of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union. Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application form. All applications must be received by the closing date as stated in the vacancy announcement. All applicants employed by postal entities and applying for a vacant position in the Professional (P) or Senior (D) category must be recommended and submitted through the competent postal authority.Applications not satisfying this criterion may not be considered.Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. Applications from women and member states are particularly encouraged. The UPU promotes diversity and work-life balance. For further instructions regarding the online application process, please visit the UPU internet page at:
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2017-06-27 15:11:14