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삼성생명 외국변호사 채용공고 (~3/24)
[삼성생명 법무팀 해외변호사 추가채용] ■ 해외 Finance 및 M&A 변호사■ 직무개요: 해외대체투자 Financing, M&A 및 기타 해외투자 관련 법률자문법률 협상전략 수립/진행 및 관련 계약서 작성 및 검토해외투자 관련 분쟁사건∙소송 대응 지원 및 관리 ■ 자격요건: - 영미권 변호사 자격 소지자로 실무경력 최소 3년 이상 - JD (미국) 또는 LLB (미국 외 영미권 국가) 등 학위 이상 - 금융, 대체투자 또는 M&A 관련 업무수행 능력 - 한국어/영어 능통자 - 조직문화에 적합한 직무윤리 및 커뮤니케이션 능력 (우대) ■ 근무지: 서울■ 채용인원: 총 0 명■ 접수기간: 공고게시일 ~ 2021.3.24 (수)■ 전형단계: 서류 → 필기 (인성) /1차 면접 → 2차 면접 → Reference Check■ 제출서류 및 접수방법: - 이력서 (국/영문) 및 경력기술서/Deal Sheet 작성 및 제출 - 이메일 접수: (삼성생명 채용담당) ■ 처우: 면접결과 및 내규에 따름
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-03-15 15:17:05 -
서울반도체 외국변호사 채용공고 (~4/10)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-03-12 13:39:03 -
㈜유한양행 국내/외국변호사 채용공고 (~3/29)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-03-12 13:37:13 -
SK건설 국내/외국변호사 채용공고 (~3/25)
[SK E&C] Corporate Counsel (EPC / M&A / Project Finance)THE COMPANYSK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. ("SK E&C") is an international engineering & construction company headquartered in Seoul, Korea. SK E&C provides engineering, procurement, and construction ("EPC") services for some of the largest and most complex projects in the world in various industries such as oil & gas, power, and civil works. SK E&C also acts as the sponsor/developer for many projects by bringing together stakeholders, arranging financing, and developing a viable project structure. SK E&C will convert from quantitative growth to qualitative growth, and from Global EPC to Global TSP (Total Solution Provider) and will make a leap to accomplish the vision of ‘Global Top Tier City Developer & Infrastructure Builder.’ SK E&C is ranked #57 on ENR's Top 250 International Contractors and is an affiliate of SK Holdings- the third largest South Korean conglomerate, currently ranked #84 on the Fortune Global 500. [EPC Contract Counsel] 1) RoleSK E&C currently has openings for EPC Contract Counsel to join the Global Legal Affairs Group in its Seoul headquarters to advise and represent SK E&C on a variety of international transactions and disputes that may arise from its capacity as an EPC contractor and project sponsor/developer. Key responsibilities will likely include: - Drafting, reviewing, and amending contracts and legal x-documents- Performing the international EPC contract management- Preparing and conducting negotiations with governments, clients, and other external stakeholders and service providers- Working closely with outside counsel in preparing for, managing and guiding international arbitration and litigation 2) Legal license:- Qualified to practice law in Korea or other jurisdictions. 3) Experience:- 4+ years of international construction contract management- Familiarity with Contract Risk Identification & Management- Experience in management of large-scale EPC / D&B projects- Experience in Claim Negotiation, Litigation, and International Arbitration 4) Others:- Required to be on business trips time to time- JD/LLM/LLB degree required- Fluency in both written and spoken English is required[M&A Corporate Counsel] 1) RoleSK E&C currently has openings for M&A corporate counsel to join the Global Legal Affairs Group in its Seoul headquarters to advise and represent SK E&C on a variety of international transactions and disputes that may arise from its capacity as an EPC contractor and project sponsor/developer. Key responsibilities will likely include: - Leading the domestic and international M&A transactions including coordination of legal strategy, risk management, negotiation and due diligence- Drafting, reviewing, and amending contracts and legal x-documents- Working closely with outside counsel in preparing for, managing and guiding M&A deal and other corporate transactions 2) Legal license:- Qualified to practice law in Korea or other jurisdictions. Experience:- 4+ years of legal practice experience in M&A transaction- Preferably at least 3 + years of experience at a law firm with a sophisticated corporate and M&A practice- Familiarity with a wide variety of transaction types (e.g., private company, public company, stock purchase, asset purchase, cross-border, minority investments, joint ventures, etc.)- In-depth knowledge of M&A structures, deals, documents and legal issues Others:- JD/LLM/LLB degree required- Fluency in both written and spoken English is required [Project Finance Counsel] 1) RoleSK E&C currently has openings for Project Finance Counsel to join the Global Legal Affairs Group in its Seoul headquarters to advise and represent SK E&C on a variety of international transactions and disputes that may arise from its capacity as an EPC contractor and project sponsor/developer. Key responsibilities will likely include: - Drafting, reviewing, and amending contracts and legal x-documents including Power Purchase Agreement- Conducting legal research and reviewing the relevant local law and regulation- Preparing and conducting negotiations with governments, clients, and other external stakeholders and service providers- Working closely with outside counsel managing and guiding the transactions 2) Legal license:- Qualified to practice law in Korea or other jurisdictions. 3) Experience:- 2+ years of experiences in power plant related business - A minimum of 3 years in total of relevant experience in the field of banking, structured finance, project financing or PPP transactions, preferably acquired in an international financial institution or a company of international standing and reputation- Professional experience as a transactional lawyer in drafting and negotiating finance documentation 4) Others:- Required to be on business trips- JD/LLM/LLB degree required- Fluency in both written and spoken English is required ※ Application Package- Cover letter- Resume (English)- an English writing sample from either an academic or professional assignment Please submit your application package through following link:
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-03-11 19:22:01 -
현대중공업그룹 외국변호사 채용공고 (~4/23)
삼일회계법인 Deal Legal Team 국내변호사 채용공고 (~3/19)
근무 형태- 정규직 (수습기간 3개월)- 신입/경력채용인원- 0 명 담당업무- 국내외 M&A 업무 지원, 내부 Compliance & Contract 지원자격요건- 한국 변호사 자격 취득자 (사법연수원 47기 이후 수료자, 변호사시험 7회 이후 합격자 선호) 우대사항- 영어 능통자로서 영문 법률서면 작성 숙련자- 공인회계사, 세무사 등 기타 자격 보유자- 금융감독원, 검찰 등 조사 및 수사경력 보유자 기타 사항- 국가보훈대상자 및 장애인은 관계법령에 의거 우대 채용 절차- 서류전형 → 1차 면접 → 인적성검사→ 2차 면접 진행. 이후 기타 내부 승인 하, 채용 확정- 이후 면접 등 일정은 해당자에 한해 개별 통지(면접 시 영어인터뷰 별도 진행) 접수방법- 삼일회계법인 홈페이지 ( 접수마감- 2021년 3월 19일 금요일 오후 6시
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-03-04 14:35:05 -
[지원기한 연장] 한국후지제록스 국내변호사 채용공고 (~3/7)
[한국후지제록스] 법무팀 소속 변호사 채용(정규직) 공통자격요건- 학력: 대졸 이상 (4년)- 자격: 국내 변호사 자격증 소지자- 나이/성별: 무관 담당 업무- 사내 법률 자문- 국내/외 계약 및 사규 관리, 검토 및 작성- 주주 총회 및 이사회 관련 업무- Compliance 관련 업무- Legal Newsletter 작성 등 지원 자격- 경력: 국내 변호사 자격 취득 후 0~3년 이하 관련 경력 보유자 (작년 로스쿨 졸업자도 지원 가능)- 해외 여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자- 남자의 경우, 병역 필 또는 군 면제자 우대 사항- 영어 또는 일본어 능력 우수자- 보훈 대상자 및 국가 유공자 우대 근무조건- 근무형태: 정규직(수습기간 3개월)- 근무일시: 주5일(월~금) 오전 8시30분 ~ 오후 5시30분- 급여: 면접 후 결정- 근무지역: (04516) 서울 중구 서소문로11길 19 배재정동빌딩(정동) – 서울 1호선 시청역에서 500m 이내 전형절차1차 서류전형 → 2차 AI 역량검사 → 3차 필기시험 및 면접 → 4차 최종 합격 접수기간 및 방법- 접수기간: ~ 2021년 3월1일(월) 24시- 접수방법: 링크의 사람인 공고의 [지원하기] 이용(URL: ) 유의사항입사지원 서류에 허위 사실이 발견될 경우, 채용 확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-02-22 11:01:10 -
톰발리㈜ 법률문서 번역 Full-Time Translator (변호사 자격소지자) 채용공고 (~채용시)
톰발리㈜ 법률문서번역 부문에서 full-time(또는 part-time)으로 함께 하실 변호사님을 찾습니다. 특정 조직이나 근무지에 얽매이지 않고 독립적으로 일하는 digital nomad적 삶을 꿈꾸는 professional의 도전을 기다립니다. □ 자격요건: 한국 또는 영어권 변호사자격 취득자로펌 또는 인하우스 근무경력 우대 □ 업무: 계약서, 법률의견서, 판결문, 중재판정문, 실사보고서, 서면, 진술서, 기업에서 생산되는 각종 서류의 영한 또는 한영 번역 □ 근무형태: 재택(remote) □ 절차: 서류전형(이력서)간략한 비(非)대면 테스트화상면접 □ 지원방식: 이력서를 첨부하여 아래 이메일로 지원 □ Compensation: 면접 시 소정 기준에 따라 개별협의
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-02-22 10:48:10 -
inno.N (舊 CJ헬스케어) 외국변호사 채용공고 (~2/28)
로버트보쉬코리아 국내/외국변호사 채용공고 (~채용시)
[Company]Robert Bosch Korea[Location]Yongin, Gyeonggi-do[Job Title]Legal Counsel Member of Legal Department in Korea [Job Description/Key responsibilities]· Providing legal advice and counsel to business across a broad range of legal issues, managing dispute andlitigation matters· Providing advice and support as needed for the local, regional and global legal teams· Assisting business with negotiation and managing basic supply agreement, development contracts, partnerships and other contractual terms in collaboration with relevant business managers· Identifying legal and risk issues and proactively developing effective legal strategies and practical solutions.· Managing litigations and liaising with external service providers, including external law firms· The successful candidate will be an energetic, experienced self-starter; be proficient at using sound commercial judgment to deliver strong legal outcomes; and will be confident and comfortable in influencing decisions at a senior management level [Requirements/Qualification]· Member of Korean Bar with (essential) fluent English communication· Or qualified to practice law in other jurisdiction (JD or equivalent law degree) with (essential) strong experiences in domestic issues as described below· Minimum 6 years and not more than 10 years PQE (post qualification experience) in a law firm or in-house position· Strong experience in employment law, civil disputes, competition, commercial law, compliance and experience with dealing with relevant regulatory bodies.· Preferred (not a must) to have experience in automotive industry and/or manufacturing business· Ability to provide practical and proactive legal advice on a wide variety of matters including employment, labor unions, commercial law, privacy and data security, consumer law, competition law, facilities, tax, disputes and litigation and trade compliance matters.· Experience in managing and handling an extensive number of litigations is a plus· Attention to detail with excellent time management, multi-tasking/prioritization abilities and able to work independently under high pressure.· Ability to interact frequently and effectively with a worldwide legal department, sales teams, peers and management; [Contact] Please send resume/cover letter to
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-02-18 13:07:30