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법무법인(유한) 바른 외국변호사 채용공고 (~6/30)
법무법인(유한) 바른 외국변호사 채용공고 (~6/30) 1. Who we are Barun Law LLC (“Barun Law”) is the fastest growing and one of the most respected law firms in Korea. Founded in 1998 and named after the Korean word for righteous or just, Barun Law quickly emerged as a leading litigation and corporate firm. Barun Law’s dispute resolution and litigation practice is second to none in Korea, with the majority of partners being former senior judges or prosecutors. Barun Law’s corporate attorneys have extensive knowledge in the areas of foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, private equity/venture capital transactions and joint ventures as well as in general corporate and commercial matters. 2. Description Position: Foreign Attorney (associate level)Office: Seoul, KoreaExperience: 2 ~ 4 years of experience 3. Ideal Candidate Ideal candidate would have corporate transaction working experience (2 ~ 4 years of experience) in M&A, JV and finance with a law firm, having extremely strong writing and drafting skills in English legal documents (e.g., contracts and memorandum). 4. Apply for this Position Send your (1) cover letter, (2) resume, (3) law school unofficial transcript and (4) writing sample to
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-06-15 14:14:04 -
SK이노베이션 법무실 외국변호사 채용공고 (~6/27)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-06-14 15:47:18 -
KT&G 국내/외국변호사 채용공고 (6/16~6/28)
■ 모집분야/직무 ○ 국내변호사 : IP/통상, 일반기업법무, 컴플라이언스 ○ 미국변호사 : 일반기업법무■ 필수사항 ○ 국내변호사 - 학사 학위 이상 소지자 - 변호사 업무경력 3~10년 - 한국변호사 자격 보유 ○ 미국변호사 - 학사 학위 이상 소지자 - 변호사 업무경력 3~10년 - 미국변호사 자격 보유자 - J.D. degree 소지자 ■ 우대사항 ○ 국내변호사 - (IP/통상) IP 또는 통상 업무 경력 - (컴플라이언스) 컴플라이언스 또는 이사회/주주총회 운영지원업무 경력 - (공통) 회계 관련 자격증 보유자 ○ 미국변호사 - 통상 업무 경력 - 회계 관련 자격증 보유자■ 근무지(최초) : 서울■ 지원자 제출서류 - 온라인 입사지원서 : 채용홈페이지 참고( ※ 역량기술서에는 업무 경험을 이해할 수 있도록 가능한 자세히 기술하여 주시기 바랍니다. - 학위 및 자격증 소지자는 증명서, 자격증 사본 등 면접 시 제출 (세부내용 별도 안내 예정)■ 접수기간 : 6.16.(수) 10시 ~ 6.28.(월) 15시까지 (한국시간 기준) - 크롬 브라우저 이용 채용 홈페이지( 접속 후 입사 지원서 제출 - 입사지원사 상 본인이 해당되는 모든 항목은 빠짐없이, 정확히 작성 - 입사 지원서 기재사항이 사실과 다른 경우 합격이 취소될 수 있음.■ 전형절차 - 지원서접수(6.16~28) ▶ 서류발표(7월 2주차) ▶ 인성/AI역량검사(7월 3주차) ▶ 1차면접(7월 4주차) ▶ 2차면접(변호사분야-7월 5주차) ▶ 최종합격자 발표(변호사분야-8월 2주차) ▶ 수습입사('21년 9월 이후) - 상기 채용 일정은 회사 사정에 따라 변동 가능■ 문의사항 : KT&G 채용홈페이지( [채용QnA] 문의하기 등록
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-06-14 10:15:26 -
한온시스템 외국변호사 채용공고 (~6/25)
지원방법: 이메일 지원
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-06-11 09:43:51 -
LG전자 국내/외국변호사 채용공고 (~6/22)
LG전자 변호사 채용 LG전자에서 사내변호사를 모집합니다. LG Careers 사이트를 통해 공고문 확인 및 지원을 부탁드립니다.모집기간 : 2021년 6월 8일 ~ 2021년 6월 22일 23:00까지 (한국시간 기준) A. 자격 요건 1) 변호사 자격증 소지자- 한국변호사, 해외변호사- 신입, 경력 무관 2) 우대사항 - 기업법무(로펌, 사내변호사) 경력- 외국어 능통자- 계약 협상, M&A, 지식재산권 관련 업무 경력 3년 이상 B. 담당업무 및 처우 1) 담당 업무 - 계약 검토/ 협상, 법률 자문, 분쟁 대응- 소송 등 분쟁, 규제당국 조사 대응- 컴플라이언스 업무 등2) 고용 형태 : 계약직 3) 근무지 : 서울, 창원 등 LG전자 사업장 소재지 4) 처우 : 별도 협의 지원 경로안내 : LG Careers 접속 > Apply LG 바로가기 > 채용공고 > 경력채용 > 회사명 LG전자 선택 후 검색 > "’21년 LG전자 법무그룹 변호사 모집 공고" 지원 ※ 지원 시 유의사항 1. Careers 사이트를 통한 지원만 가능합니다. 2. 지원 관련 문의는 반드시 Careers 사이트 內 "채용문의 > 1:1 질문하기"를 통해서만 해주시기 바랍니다. 3. 기타 공고 관련 상세내용은 공고 접속하시어 안내문 참조 바랍니다. In-house Counsel for LG Electronics in Seoul Description- LG Electronics, Inc., a global innovator in technology and manufacturing, is seeking a talented in-house counsel to support LG Electronics’ business with operations more than 140 locations. Responsibilities- Drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts for complex deals to secure advantageous contractual terms, software licensing, strategic alliances, consulting services and other agreements, and legal documents- Analyzing, resolving, and managing legal disputes while working closely with outside counsel in developing legal strategy- Serving as a trusted advisor and legal counsel, advising on broad range of strategic matters related to worldwide transactions including global procurement transactions and investment projects overseas and cross-border M&A transactions Basic Qualification- License to practice law in Korea or overseas countries- Excellent proficiency in English and Korean is required. Preferred Qualifications- Chinese or other language skill is preferred.- Legal work experience in a major law firm or corporation preferreㅇ.- Proven ability to manage multiple projects and work on a wide range of complex legal issues in creative and business-centric ways.- Having collaborative approach with both business and legal groups by establishing a close rapport with other colleagues.- History of drafting and negotiating complex agreements.- Creative thinker with strong problem-solving skills and the ability to stay calm under challenging circumstances.- Demonstrated succinctness, clarity, and organization in his or her verbal and written communication that facilitates swift and improved decision making.- Background in commercial and other technology transactions; experience working business issues; and general knowledge of anti-competition, privacy and data protection laws is a plus. How to Apply- Interested applicants should submit application packages through following link: LG Careers 접속 > Apply LG 바로가기 > 채용공고 > 경력채용 > 회사명 LG전자 선택 후 검색 > "’21년 LG전자 법무그룹 변호사 모집 공고" 지원- Deadline (subject to change): June 22, 2021 23:00 (Korea Standard Time)- For further inquiries, please contact us at "Recruitment Inquiry> 1:1 Question" on the Careers site.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-06-10 10:26:17 -
SK아이이테크놀로지 외국변호사 채용공고 (~6/27)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-06-08 22:00:27 -
(주)셀트리온 국내/외국 변호사 채용공고 (~6/14)
온라인 입사 지원하기
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-06-07 15:27:17 -
(주)만도 미국변호사 채용공고 (~6/13)
한화디펜스 해외변호사 채용공고(~6/1)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-05-27 08:17:29 -
Applied Materials Korea 국내/외국변호사 채용공고 (~6/6)
Applied Materials is leader in materials engineering solutions used to produce virtually every new chip and advanced display in the world. Our expertise in modifying materials at atomic levels and on an industrial scale enables customers to transform possibilities into reality. At Applied Materials, our innovations make possible the technology shaping the future. YouTube LINK (We Work Here)Job Posting Title : Legal CounselThis position will manage general day-to-day legal support for Applied Materials Korea business units and operations.The position will report directly to the Head of Legal Korea and support the Company's various business activities, strategies and opportunities in Korea.#Location : Bundang office # Key Responsibilities : - Manage and provide day-to-day legal support for various sales, service and other commercial transactions.- Draft, review and negotiate various commercial contracts and documents.- Provide business and legal counseling to internal stakeholders.- Provide day-to-day legal support to operations of various functions, including drafting, reviewing and negotiating agreements in support of purchasing, real estate, environmental health and safety, logistics and quality functions.- Provide legal advice and prepare or review labor or HR related agreements or documents.- Support compliance with corporate legal and contractual obligations with customers and business partners.- Provide legal support for subsidiary governance, establishment and consolidations.# Qualifications :- Strong communication and presentation skills.- Strong drafting and negotiation skills.- Team player with the ability to work independently without day-to-day guidance.- Strong sense of ownership and follow through with the ability to work closely and develop relationship with internal business stakeholders.- Fluency in oral and written English and Korean.# Required Education and Experience :- Degree in Law from a recognized university and Korean or US bar admission.- Minimum of 5 years of experience in either a law firm or in-house.# Preferred Experience :- Experience working within a high-tech industry.- Knowledge of legal legislation, framework and practice in Korea.- Experience within a multinational, in-house environment.# Application Due date : ~6/6 (Sun) 5:00 PM (KOR) # How to Apply : Applied Materials Career Site -> LINK (Korean Cover Letter and English resume needs to be attached)# Any question, please contact or Applied Materials : Applied Materials Korea Blog : Applied Materials Korea YouTube :
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2021-05-26 12:18:22