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㈜유한양행 미국변호사 모집(~11/26)
㈜유한양행 사원모집 '건강한 삶, 행복한 미래세상을 만드는 기업' 유한양행과 함께 발전할 인재를 모십니다. 1. 모집부문 및 응시자격 모집부문 구분 인원 해당전공 응 시 자 격 법무 경력 0 명 법학 ·미국변호사 자격증 소지자 ·국내 로펌 또는 기업 법무 업무 경력자(최소 3년 이상) ·다국적사 근무 경력자 우대 ·Compliance 업무 경력자 우대 ·영어회화 능통자 우대 ·본사(서울) 근무 가능자 ※ 법무 담당업무 : 회사 Compliance 준수 감독 및 지원 업무 영문 계약서, 법률문서 작성/ Review 및 협상지원 해외사업 관련 각국 법령 조사 및 법률자문 업무 2. 서류접수 1) 접수방법 : 홈페이지( 접수 2) 제출서류 : 입사지원서 작성시 성적증명서(scan file)가 필요함 3) 접수기한 : 2015년 11 월 26 일 (목) 18시 4) 문 의 처 : ㈜유한양행 HR팀(Tel. 02-828-0223, 0221) 3. 전형방법 1) 서류전형 - 디자인 부문은 포트폴리오(자유양식) 이메일로 제출(E-mail : 2) 면접전형 4. 기타사항 1) 각 프로젝트별로 상세경력사항을 반드시 기재 2) 뷰티사업분야(화장품 및 관련 소비재) 경력자 우대함 3) 국가보훈 대상자는 관계법령에 따라 우대함 4) 채용관련 정보는 홈페이지(를 참고하시기 바람
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2015-11-20 10:36:54 -
삼성생명 해외변호사 채용공고(~11/2)
삼성생명 해외변호사 채용공고 삼성생명과 함께 무한한 능력과 꿈을 펼칠 변호사를 모집합니다. 모집분야 및 지원자격 모집회사(Recruiting Company) 삼성생명 (Samsung Life Insurance) 지원분야(Position) 경력(해외) 변호사(In-house Counsel) 접수기간(Application Period) 2015. 10.27(화) ~ 2015. 11. 2(월) 오후 5시까지 October 27, 2015 ~ November 2, 2015 5 PM (Korea Standard Time) 지원자격(Qualification) - 미국, 영국 또는 호주 변호사 자격증 소지자로 경력 5-7년인 자 (로펌 변호사 3년 이상 경력 선호) - 병역필 또는 면제자로 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 분 ※ 중복지원 불가 We are looking for in-house attorneys to advise on commercial (transactions and disputes) and compliance matters. In particular, we are looking for attorneys to handle general corporate, finance and M&A matters. Experience in corporate/M&A and finance practice is highly recommended, but experience in insurance companies or insurance industry is not a must. A successful candidate will have strong personality and high level of interpersonal skills as active interaction with various levels of company management, external counsel and counterparties. Preferred candidates will have: - JD (or JD equivalent) degree from a nationally accredited law school (US, UK or Australia); - At least 5-7 years of experience in private practice and/or in-house (law firm experience is a plus); and - Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both Korean and English ※ No duplicate application 지원방법 및 전형절차 지원방법(To Apply) ① 삼성홈페이지 "인재와 채용" ( → 채용지원/조회 → 회원가입 후 로그인 ② 경력채용 → 새로운 지원서 작성하기 → [공고 지원서 작성] ※ 개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의, 지원자 정보 확인 후 지원서 작성이 가능합니다. ③ 지원회사 : 삼성생명 / 지원공고 : 2015년 해외 변호사 채용 공고 선택 ④ 지원서 작성 시 제출서류 첨부 ⑤ 지원서 작성 후 [최종 지원서 제출] 버튼을 통하여 제출 완료 ※ 지원서 작성은 11.2(월) 오후 5:00까지 가능, 반드시 [최종 지원서 제출]로 완료 바랍니다. ① Samsung website “Careers” ( → Apply → Sign in ② Recruitment for Experienced Employee → Create new application → [Apply for the job] ③ Choose Company : Samsung Life Insurance Job Post : 2015 Recruitment Notice for In-house Counsel ④ When you create application, you have to attach necessary documents ⑤ Complete the process by clicking “Submit your application” 전형절차(Hiring Process) [서류전형 → 면접전형 → 채용건강검진] [Assessment → Interview → Medical Check-up] 기타 안내 제출서류(Documents for Submission) - 개별 이력서 (자유양식, 지원서 작성시 업로드) - 자기소개서 - 로스쿨 졸업 증명서 - 해외변호사 자격증 사본 ※ 제출서류는 개인 이력서 파일 내에 이미지로 삽입하여 제출 - Resume - A letter of self-introduction - Copy of certificate of good standing to practice law - Copy of certificate of good standing to law school diploma 기타사항(Miscellaneous) - 허위사실이 있는 경우 선발이 취소됩니다. - 이메일을 통한 개별 접수는 받지 않습니다. - Providing false information is strictly prohibited. - Application through individual e-mail will not be accepted. 문 의(Contact) 담당자(Name) 전화번호(Tel) 이메일 주소(Email) 삼성생명 채용담당 02-2124-4646
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2015-10-30 11:21:05 -
호텔신라 해외변호사 채용공고(~11/2)
삼성물산 건설부문 경력(해외)변호사 채용공고(~11/2)
삼성물산 건설부문과 함께 무한한 능력과 꿈을 펼칠 변호사를 모집합니다. 모집분야 및 지원자격 모집회사(Recruiting Company) 삼성물산 건설부문 (Samsung C&T) 지원분야(Position) 경력(해외) 변호사(In-house Counsel) 접수기간(Application Period) 2015. 10.26(월) ~ 2015. 11. 2(월) 오후 5시까지 October 26, 2015 ~ November 2, 2015 5 PM (Korea Standard Time) 지원자격(Qualification) - 미국, 호주 등 해외 변호사 자격증 소지자로 경력 3년 ~ 15년인 자 - 병역필 또는 면제자로 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 분 ※ 중복지원 불가 JD (or JD equivalent) degree from a nationally accredited law school 3 ~ 15 years of experience practicing as a licensed attorney (Whether in a law firm, corporate or government setting) The ability to communicate in both Korean and English-speaking environments ※ No duplicate application 지원방법 및 전형절차 지원방법(To Apply) ① 삼성홈페이지 "인재와 채용" ( → 채용지원/조회 → 회원가입 후 로그인 ② 경력채용 → 새로운 지원서 작성하기 → [공고 지원서 작성] ※ 개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의, 지원자 정보 확인 후 지원서 작성이 가능합니다. ③ 지원회사 : 삼성물산 건설부문 / 지원공고 : 2015년 해외 변호사 채용 공고 선택 ④ 지원서 작성 시 제출서류 첨부 ⑤ 지원서 작성 후 [최종 지원서 제출] 버튼을 통하여 제출 완료 ※ 지원서 작성은 11.2(월) 오후 5:00까지 가능, 반드시 [최종 지원서 제출]로 완료 바랍니다. ① Samsung website “Careers” ( → Apply → Sign in ② Recruitment for Experienced Employee → Create new application → [Apply for the job] ③ Choose Company : Samsung C&T Job Post : 2015 Recruitment Notice for In-house Counsel ④ When you create application, you have to attach necessary documents ⑤ Complete the process by clicking “Submit your application” 전형절차(Hiring Process) [서류전형 → 면접전형 → 채용건강검진] [Assessment → Interview → Medical Check-up] 기타 안내 제출서류(Documents for Submission) - 개별 이력서 (자유양식, 지원서 작성시 업로드) - 자기소개서 - 로스쿨 졸업 증명서 - 해외변호사 자격증 사본 ※ 제출서류는 개인 이력서 파일 내에 이미지로 삽입하여 제출 - Resume - A letter of self-introduction - Copy of certificate of good standing to practice law - Copy of certificate of good standing to law school diploma 기타사항(Miscellaneous) - 허위사실이 있는 경우 선발이 취소됩니다. - 이메일을 통한 개별 접수는 받지 않습니다. - Providing false information is strictly prohibited. - Application through individual e-mail will not be accepted. 문 의(Contact) 담당자(Name) 전화번호(Tel) 이메일 주소(Email) 이두리 대리 02)2145-6490
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2015-10-28 11:52:52 -
LG Display 미국변호사 모집(Litigation, ~11/5)
[재공고] 넥센타이어 채용공고문 (법무담당/채용시까지)
▣ 넥센타이어 채용공고문 (법무담당) 구분 내용 비고 직종 법무담당 자격요건 국내외 변호사 자격증 소지자 요구경력 법조경력 2년이상 (기업, 로펌 근무 경력) 근무지 서울 서초구 처우수준 협의 (희망연봉 기재) 주요업무 1. 국내외 계약서 검토 2. 국내외 조직에서의 질의사항 법률 검토 3. 국내외 소송 수행 및 관리 4. 외부자문 관리 등 우대사항 외국어 능통자 우대 전형절차 서류전형 > 실무면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격 접수방법 이메일 접수, 채용문의 넥센타이어 인사기획팀, 055-370-5269 접수기한 채용완료시까지
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2015-10-19 22:29:47 -
[채용 마감] 법무법인 호산 미국 변호사 채용
<채용 마감되었습니다> 법무법인 호산 미국 변호사 채용 [모집 부문]미국 변호사 [모집 인원] O명 [자격 요건] - 미국 변호사 자격증 보유자 - 1st year ~ 2nd year Associate변호사 - 외국 국적의 경우 Working visa보유 필수 - 관련 경력 보유자 우대 [업무 내용] - 해외 클라이언트에 대한 법률 자문 및 의견서 작성의 영어,영문 보조 - 국내 클라이언트의 해외 진출 시 관련 외국법령 검토 - 영문 계약서 작성 및 검토 등 [지원 방법] - 이메일 지원 :권송이 사원( - 제출 서류 :이력서 및 자기소개서 (MS Word 하나의 파일로 작성,파일명 “변호사_홍길동”) - 서류 마감일 : ASAP (지원서 접수 순에 따라 서류 검토 예정)
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2015-10-07 13:17:50 -
KT 미국변호사 채용공고(~10/12)
1. 모집분야: 미국변호사(전문경력직) 2. 자격요건 [필수요건] ㅇ LL.M 또는 JD 학위 보유자 ㅇ 미국변호사 자격증 소지자 [우대요건] ㅇ 기업 또는 로펌 실무 경력변호사(경력 1~3년) ㅇ 영어/한국어 농통자(원어민 수준) 3. 지원서접수 ㅇ 기간: 2015.10.2(금) ~ 2015.10.12(월) ㅇ 지원방법: kt채용 홈페이지 통한 온라인 접수만 가능( - kt홈페이지>인재채용 > 진행중인 채용 > 2015년 kt경력사원 6차 채용공고 4. 담당업무 ㅇ 계약검토 - 국제거래/글로벌 사업 관련 계약 검토 및 협상지원 - 프로젝트성 사업 및 글로벌투자 사업에 대한 법무지원 ㅇ 법률검토 - 법적/제도적 이슈 및 중요 의사결정사항 법률검토 - 기 체결계약 관련 법적 쟁점 및 약관 제/개정안 등 검토 - 미 증권거래위원회(SEC) 규제사항 검토 및 대응 등 ㅇ 국제분쟁대응 - 국제거래/해외사업 관련 분쟁(국제중재/소송 등) 대응업무
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2015-10-02 20:44:42 -
㈜ 사노피-아벤티스 코리아 변호사 채용 공고 (채용 시 마감)
㈜ 사노피-아벤티스 코리아 변호사 채용 공고 (채용 시 마감) [Open Position] Legal Advisor Sanofi, a global healthcare leader in diabetes solutions, human vaccines, innovative drugs, consumer healthcare, emerging markets, animal health and Genzyme (rare disease) wish to offer a great opportunity to candidates wishing to participate in the exciting future of Sanofi as a member of the Legal Department in Korea. Interested candidates may apply by sending their resume and cover letter in both English and Korean directly to the HR Department of sanofi-aventis Korea Co., Ltd. Please also address any inquiries relating to the position to the contact detail provided below. Sujung Han / Human Resource Management sanofi-aventis Korea Co., Ltd. Tel: +82.2.2136.9008 Email: Application Deadline: ASAP (Preferably by October 30, 2015), Will close upon recruitment. Procedure: Selected applicants may need to participate in multiple interviews: with the local Legal Team, Regional and/or Corporate Legal Department, local management (GM and/or CFO) and the HR Department. During the initial interview process, written exercise on site may be performed. 1. Job Purpose To contribute to realizing the objectives of the Legal Department: providing high quality and solution-oriented legal services; proactively identifying, evaluating and advising management on areas of legal risk and opportunity; ensuring compliance with Sanofi Group’s and local policies; and fostering an environment of team work that promotes individual professional growth and collective success of the department. 2. Key Accountabilities Legal Advisor shall report to the Legal Manager (Head of Legal for Sanofi affiliates located in Korea). The key accountabilities and coverage of the Legal Advisor shall be as follows: A. Support Legal Manager in providing the following legal support to the business units and support functions: Draft, review and if needed, assist in negotiating various commercial agreements. Provide strategic legal advice and guidance relating to the business, including but not limited to antitrust law, commercial law, healthcare related laws and privacy law. Manage investigations by various government agencies, litigations and disputes with competitors. Manage corporate formality and restructuring work in cooperation with Sanofi Group’s Company Law unit. Provide legal training to internal clients. Manage performance, relationship and budget with outside counsels. B. Coverage: All business units and support functions (e.g., Finance, Regulatory Affairs and Market Access) in Korea including but not limited to pharma and rare disease, and potentially vaccines and animal health. 3. Requirements A. Qualification & Experience Qualified to practice law in Korea or other jurisdictions. LLB or JD in a Korean university required. At least 7 - 9 years’ experience in private practice and/or in-house. In-house experience in a multinational company or pharmaceutical company is a plus. Overseas study or legal work experience is a plus. B. Knowledge In-depth knowledge of commercial law, civil law, fair trade law. Knowledge of healthcare related law is a plus. C. Language Excellent verbal & written communication skills in both English and Korean. High proficiency in English is a must. D. Skills Excellent strategic and analytical skills. Excellent client relationship and able to collaborate efficiently across different teams and departments. Able to manage expectations, deadlines and deliver within an appropriate timeframe. Able to manage conflicts and stressful situations in an efficient way. Able to lead teams or peers with proven leadership. Team player. 4. About Sanofi Sanofi, a global healthcare leader, discovers, develops and distributes therapeutic solutions focused on patients' needs. Sanofi has core strengths in diabetes solutions, human vaccines, innovative drugs, consumer healthcare, emerging markets, animal health and Genzyme. Sanofi is listed in Paris (EURONEXT: SAN) and in New York (NYSE: SNY). Sanofi also has a strong presence in Korea, esp. in innovative drugs, human vaccines, consumer healthcare, animal health and rare disease.
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2015-09-30 14:44:57 -
블랙록 자산운용 코리아 채용공고(~10/8)
BlackRock is one of the world’s preeminent asset management firms and a premier provider of global investment management, risk management and advisory services to institutional, intermediary and individual investors around the world. BlackRock offers a range of solutions — from rigorous fundamental and quantitative active management approaches aimed at maximizing outperformance to highly efficient indexing strategies designed to gain broad exposure to the world’s capital markets. Our clients can access our investment solutions through a variety of product structures, including individual and institutional separate accounts, mutual funds and other pooled investment vehicles, and the industry-leading iShares® ETFs. The firm’s BlackRock Services India unit offers a broad range of support and services to BlackRock globally. Our core products consist of tools and services designed to enhance BlackRock’s investment and operational processes. Legal and Compliance Overview: BlackRock Investment Management (Korea) Limited has an opening for a Director role within the Legal and Compliance function. This individual will be Head of the Legal and Compliance function in Korea and supervise another senior Compliance professional located in Korea. This individual will play an integral role in the development of the Legal and Compliance function in Korea and will jointly report to the Asia ex Japan Heads of Legal and Compliance in Hong Kong. Job Purpose/Background: The successful candidate will be accountable for all legal, compliance and regulatory matters in Korea and interface with internal stakeholders at all levels and across different business groups, including Asia Pacific- based management and local senior management. The individual will be a team leader, highly organized, resourceful, detail oriented with excellent verbal and written English skills and have experience working with constituents located outside of Korea. The primary responsibility is to assist in overseeing and managing legal and compliance issues for BlackRock’s business in Korea. The candidate would support all aspects of BlackRock’s business in Korea, both retail and institutional. The position will encompass the following key responsibilities: Providing advice on all legal and compliance issues pertaining to a collective investment business, investment advisory business and discretionary business license. Advising BlackRock Korea’s board, committees and senior management on compliance and regulatory risks impacting BlackRock Korea and its clients Liaising with Korea regulatory authorities, internal and external advisors and other internal control groupson compliance and regulatory related matters Developing and monitoring BlackRock’s Compliance Program in Korea; developing and maintaining BlackRock Korea’s corporate compliance policies and establishing compliance review procedures for Korea Providing advice on all regulatory issues relating to marketing activities and all other day-to-day activities of the Korea business. Providing advice on the launch of new onshore products and the registration of offshore products in Korea. Review, draft and assist in negotiation of agreements in support of BlackRock’s business operations in Korea (e.g. constitutive fund documentation, investment management agreements, distribution agreements, trademark and other intellectual property licenses and brokerage service agreements, third party vendor agreements etc.) Providing advice and support to other control functions including Risk and Internal Audit. Providing advice on corporate governance issues and employment matters. Providing pro-active advice to the business on meeting regulatory requirements. Managing relationships with Korean external counsel. Managing relationship between BlackRock and the FSS and FSC. Overseeing all regulatory filings and approvals in support of the Korea business. Participating in global and/or regional legal and compliance initiatives and projects and working with legaland compliance colleagues from other BlackRock offices to ensure global best practice and consistencywherever possible. Knowledge/Experience: Qualified Korean lawyer At least 8 – 10 years post qualification experience, either at a law firm or in-house at a financial services company Good understanding of the regulatory environment in Korea. Strong analytical and communication skills and ability to work autonomously. Excellent time management and organisational skills. Strong English written and verbal communications skills. Experience working in an international organization. Competencies: The successful candidate will also demonstrate the following core competencies:- Good inter-personal and communication skills Flexibility Pro-activity Client focus Ability to work under pressure and take ownership of issues Analytical / problem solving skills 담당자: 김지은 연락처: 02-751-0557 이력서 송부: 지원기간: 2015년 10월 8일 까지
채용기간: 0000-00-00 ~ 0000-00-00 2015-09-23 09:43:43