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Hiring Closed
SK hynix Job Posting - 해외법무(투자파트 및 분쟁파트) (~1/31)
1. SK하이닉스 해외법무(투자파트) 외국변호사 채용 (~1/31) 2. SK하이닉스 해외법무(분쟁파트) 외국변호사 채용 (~1/31)
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-24 09:44:23 -
Hiring Closed
Bering Legal Job Posting (~채용시)
Bering Legal is a U.S. based language service provider specializing in legal translations. Our slogan is “legal translation by lawyers” and our team includes more than 100 licensed attorneys. We have worked with more than 120 law firms and 500 companies worldwide. Our clients continuously praise us for providing top notch legal translation services.Our Seoul office is currently hiring freelance and full-time legal translators. We encourage our translators to work remotely and are willing to accommodate your desired workload. To apply for this position, please send your resume to For more information, please visit our website at REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONSEDUCATIONAdvanced degree (JD or equivalent) in law.WORK EXPERIENCEA minimum 1 year of relevant experience dealing with legal matters.SKILLS/COMPETENCIESGood analytical and organizational skills.Good interpersonal skills.Excellent written and oral communication skills with proven ability to draft clearly and concisely.Ability to work well under pressure.Ability to work in a team.
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-21 18:33:16 -
Hiring Closed
SK ie technology Job Posting (~2/2)
Hiring Closed
Samyang Holdings Job Posting (~채용시)
- 모집기간: 22년 1월부터 채용시까지- 고용형태: 1년 계약직 근무 후 심사로 정규직 전환- 지원방법: 이메일로 이력서 제출 (
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-18 16:18:21 -
Hiring Closed
SK-ON Job Posting (~2/2)
지원하기: tice/view?systemKindCode=MRS2&jobnoticeSn=85015
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-18 16:09:48 -
Hiring Closed
Apex LLC Job Posting (~1/25)
법무법인(유한) 에이펙스위치 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 131, 한국지식재산센터빌딩 10층근무조건업직종 변호사채용형태 정규직담당업무 외국법 자문, 영문 서류 작성 및 번역, 외국 의뢰인과의 회의급여조건 협의 후 결정근무요일 월~금(주5일)(09:00~18:00)지원자격모집인원 0명자격조건 외국변호사(미국) 자격 취득 1~3년차학력 미국 Law School JD전형절차채용변호사 장종필 변호사제출서류 영문이력서 및 자기소개서, Lawschool transcrips전형방법 1차 서류 심사 후 면접대상자 개별 통지. 서류 제출처 담당자 : 장종필 변호사(02-2018-9750)접수마감일 2022년 1월 25일까지기타 안내 외국변호사(미국, JD) 자격 취득자 1~3년차 영어 및 한국어 구사능력(번역이 가능한 Bilingual) 한국 내 취업 및 체재에 장애가 없는 자
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-14 19:57:59 -
Hiring Closed
HMM Job Posting (~1/24)
2022년 경력사원 수시채용□ 모집부문 (경력) 지원구분• 사내변호사주요직무• 사내변호사 업무 수행 - 송무 관리, 대응 - 국/영문 계약서 검토 - 프로젝트 업무 법률 지원기타사항• 영어 능통자 (우대)• 로펌 근무 경험자 (우대)채용직위• 사내변호사 □ 지원자격 - 국내변호사 자격 소지자 - 모집부문 해당 경력 소지자 - 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는자 - 병역 필 또는 면제자 □ 지원방법 접수기간• 2022.01.12(수), 오전 10:00 ~ 2022.01.24(월), 오후 02:00접수방법• 당사 채용 홈페이지에서 On-Line 입사지원서 작성/제출• 우편, E-mail 및 방문 접수 불가※ 마감 당일에는 지원자 폭주로 서버가 느려질 수 있사오니 가능한 마감일 이전에 지원 바랍니다. □ 전형절차 1단계• 서류전형2단계• 1차 면접전형 (서류전형 합격자에 한하여 개별 통지)3단계• 2차 면접전형 (1차 면접전형 합격자에 한하여 개별 통지)4단계• 신체검사□ 제출서류 기초심사자료• 입사지원서 (온라인 접수)입증자료• 최종학교 졸업(예정)증명서 (석사 이상은 학사과정도 포함)• 경력증명서, 경력 및 처우 관련 증명서• 자격증, 어학성적표 등 개별 자료 (소지자 한함)• 국가보훈대상 증빙서류 (소지자 한함)※ 입사지원서를 제외한 입증자료는 서류전형 합격 후 1차면접전형시 전자문서(PDF)로 제출 (상세 제출방법 별도 안내 예정)□ 기타사항 - 지원서 허위기재 혹은 관련내용 문서 증빙 어려울 경우 합격이 취소될 수 있음 - 보훈대상자는 관계법령에 의거 우대함 - 위 기재가 없는 사항은 당사 취업규칙에 따름 - 문의처 :
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-13 21:57:31 -
Hiring Closed
Naver Job Posting (~1/24)
[Legal Affairs] NAVER 미국 변호사 모집 (경력)NAVER Corp. is currently looking for US qualified lawyers for its in-house legal positions. [Key Responsibilities]- Draft, review, and advise on commercial agreements;- Provide timely and thoughtful advice on legal issues arising from various kinds of contracts and regulations, and evaluate potential legal risks and propose practical and responsive solutions;- Liaise with local law firms, review and advise on relevant legal issues related to copyright, licensing, privacy laws, consumer protection laws, and regulatory issues for its global services launched in various jurisdictions, and- Assist internal investment team with reviewing relevant agreements on mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures and/or fund agreements, and drafting relevant agreements. [Requirements]- US qualified attorney- JD from an US’ accredited law school- Bilingual in English/Korean- At least 3 years of work experience in large law firms or corporations- Excellent level of speaking and drafting both in English and Korean (with the level of drafting the documents in Korean)- Outstanding written and verbal communication skills, and- Preferably with the work experience in IT business and relevant laws/regulations. [Employment Type]- Full time (with three months of probation period)- Location: NAVER Green Factory, Buljeong-ro 6, Bundangu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggido 전형절차 및 기타사항 1 Application Guideline · Application deadline : 2022-01-07 ~ 2022-01-24 18:00 · Recruiting process: Review of the application documents > Corporate Culture Suitability Test & 1st interview with the working groups at the legal team > 2nd interview with executive directors※ Recruiting process may be subject to change 2 Miscellaneous· Employment may be cancelled if the applicant misrepresents his/her qualification or the submission contain any false information· We will contact the applicants who passed the document review for the interview schedule.· Those eligible for employment protection such as men of national merit, disabled persons, etc. are eligible for preferential treatment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.· In order to receive additional points, men of national merit must submit an evidentiary document (‘Certificate for Persons Eligible for Employment Support’) to the company.· In the case of men, those who have completed their military service or who have been exempted therefrom shall only apply. (However, for technical research personnel, he may apply if the requirements are met.)· If you have any question, please access to [Inquiry/Support].
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-12 11:54:45 -
Hiring Closed
SK innovation Job Posting (~1/26)
[SK이노베이션]- 채용공고: 공고기간: ~1/26(수) 까지
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-12 11:50:16 -
Hiring Closed
SK Energy Job Posting (~1/12)
[SK에너지]- 채용공고 : 공고기간 : ~1/12(수) 까지
Hiring period: November 30, -0001 ~ November 30, -0001 2022-01-06 14:46:19